Wednesday, November 23, 2011

{Fifty-two} The End

Well, its the end of the blog the beginning to a whole new story. More adventures, more laughing, more playing, more learning and definitely more growing. I really enjoy life and am a very happy person. Or as mumma says, the easier baby ever! (don't tell my bro)

My first birthday was a blast. We had it at a restaurant called Eastside Marios. The usual culprits were there... both sets of grandparents, Great Grandma Hall, Aunts/Uncles/Cousins, Madars, Merrimans, Burnhams and Lisa & Kaitlyn. I am totally spoiled too btw. Lots of cool presents and money for my piggy bank. And a cake! Mumma made me the coolest cake ever. Well, not ever because it was my first cake. But it was awesome. Even though mumma wanted me to eat it with my hands, and I refused. I took a few bites at home after the party. With a spoon. I didn't want to get dirty. The end of the party was kinda rough and I wasn't happy. Actually, I cried for the last hour of it. I didn't want to be by people anymore. I like home. Quiet. Cozy. Comfy. Familiar. Did I mention quiet? And when I'm already cranky, don't get in my face. Why do people do that?

Then, on my actual birthday, mumma took the day off of work! We shopped. We played. Hard. All day long. Except when I napped. Celebrating is cool I decided. However, inbetween the party and my actual birth date, I had 2 doctor appointments, antibiotics for an ear infection, breathing treatments because I just couldn't breath (oxygen level at 92 for a few days), and constipation for 4 days (dada quit filling my bubbas with formula and went straight to milk instead of easing into it).

It's time to go. In closing dear blog, its been nice spending this year with you. I look forward to another holiday season and a whole new shiny bright new year ahead. Thanks for helping me document a few of milestones (aka health history).

UPDATE: I went in for my one year annual checkup 11/30. Those nutters gave me FOUR shots and a toe prick. And one week after my first birthday I am weighing in at 25lb 6oz, 31" tall. I also enjoyed my first Thanksgiving (after I was feeling a bit better from all the ailments). Last year I was just coming home from the hospital on turkey day. I/we all have a TON to be thankful for. Amen.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

{Fifty-one} One week and counting

The big birthday party is this weekend! We'll see if I'm in the mood for people. And I usually am, as long as mumma is close by. And after this past weekend... I'm walking 30% of the time. I'm getting the hang of it, but getting a ton of bumps and bruises along the way.

So now that I'm going to be one year old, my parents are talking about taking my bubba's away and wondering why I don't eat more... Because I would rather have my bubba! Duh. I do like to feed myself though and my eight teeth work great. I prefer that over somebody shoving a spoon in my mouth. I'd also rather drink from a cup but then I get all wet. But we all have to learn somehow, right?

Life is one big playground so far. We giggle and laugh and watch a lot of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Actually, my favorite is the mouse ear commercials on Disney Channel. Why don't they sell videos of just those?

Other than gearing up for the big birthday, not too much else going on. Just practicing my balancing and walking. I am a free happy spirit. One more post and this blog is complete. Sad... but true!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

{Fifty} Walking Clumsy

I did it. I walked. It was from the chair right to mumma on the couch. It was Saturday night before company came over (and before dada ended up in the hospital getting his appendix removed). I think I walked about four feet or more. And since then, I've done it multiple times but a shorter distance.

Practice, practice, practice. I've been standing with out holding on for the last 2-3 weeks. And I have indeed taken a step or two, or three, here and there. But those were more of a stumble than anything else. A step and sit. A step and a stumble and sit (or fall). Three steps max, and the third one was an accident. But now, I am indeed getting the hang of it! I'll be chasing after my big bro in no time.

Can you even believe there is only two more weeks of my blog? Everybody in the house is gearing up for the big first bday event but to be honest, I don't really care. Every day is a jolly day. I have a good life. Except for snotty days. And when I cough. And especially when when drainage makes me puke. But other than those times, my life is awesome.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

{Forty-nine} 86%

I was cut loose from physical therapy. I still only have 86% range to the right but they let me go anyway and told my parents to keep up the stretches and exercises. Reality is they haven't been doing my exercises because they thought I had improved so much. I don't complain though because those stretches hurt me. Very much. I scream and cringe. But then mumma worries about my future. What if I want to be sport star when I grow up but I can't because my range of motion is so jacked. If we don't get it fixed now, I don't think there is any fixing it.

So on to better subject matter, I went to my first boo bash at daycare last week and that was fun. Lots of kids from school were around to watch and checkout and I was hanging in the big kid room so there lots of things for me to get into. Then mumma pushed me around in the stroller while Brayden trunk or treated and dada passed out candy. And last night was Halloween. My very first of many. Mumma bought me a Halloween book and apparently I'll get one every one on Halloween. My first tradition! Trick or treating last night wasn't all that exciting (don't tell mumma I said that). It was just a wagon ride. It was a little cold. And I very much disliked my stupid turkey hood. I don't like hats at all. Mumma gets mad because winter is coming and I refuse to wear a hat. She tried strapping one to my head (on a few occasions) like that was going to stop me from ripping it from my noggin. Oh boy.

Monday, October 24, 2011

{Forty-eight} Brushes and Kisses

I had another great week. Mumma has been totally blowing off chores and stuff to hang out and play and cuddle. I learned how to brush my hair but I'd rather brush yours. And mumma was surprised to realized that I listen to orders. I am not certain why she didn't notice before. But when I'm into my toys she's go "there's a piece over there" and point and I got get it. She acts like I don't understand what she's telling me or something. Or something like "put that away" and I'll put my blocks in the bag. Sheesh... give me the credit where credit is due lady. I also kiss on demand but I'm very finicky about that. I just don't give kisses, you have to earn them.

Grandma Shirley has a boo boo knee so she hasn't been visiting lately but I still go play at Grandma Judy's once a week and I really enjoy school the other days mumma and dada work. There are other babies for me to steal toys from and a lot of cool things to play with. The teachers all love me too. They told me that they wished I could come to school five days a week.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

{Forty-seven} Not cool

I had the sniffles a little bit the last two weeks or so but nothing came of it. My brother got fifth disease but I was feeling good with the warm temps last weekend. And then all heck broke loose last Tuesday. I was puking, had a 101.8 fever for a few days, dehydrated, then a low-grade temp, a cough, broke out in a full-body-lumpy-ugly-rash by Friday and two small ear infections. Forty-eight hours of antibiotics later, and I am finally feeling good and am feeling like myself again this morning. Wow... what a crazy week. I think we're all happy that week is over.

Monday, October 10, 2011

{Forty-six} Canadian Thanksgiving

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving! I have Canadian blood in me apparently so I get to celebrate two Thanksgivings.

We visited a pumpkin patch this weekend, I went on a wagon ride, and its 88 degrees outside! Sweet.

Other than that, I've just been going to school, doing my thang, finished up physical therapy, eating (I barely fit in 12-18 month size close), etc. Life is good. And funny.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

{Forty-five} October

I was born forty-five weeks ago. On a Tuesday. Mumma tells me this is the happiest time of her life. She loves the month of October. She loves to rock me and look out the window. She remembers her first maternity leave with my brother doing the same thing. She loves the memories. She loves making the new memories. She loves us. She loves this season. She loves.

Halloween is coming. My first October. My first costume. My first trick or treating. My first pumpkin. Its going to be a good few weeks... leading up to my fifty-two weeks. Which also means my first birthday.

I didn't start walking yet. Its been a solid four weeks that I've been cruising and standing but I'm still too uncertain about balancing. I get so many bangs, dents and bruises, I think I'll just practice a little more.