Monday, June 27, 2011

{Thirty-one} My First Roadtrip

My parents were so excited about taking us on vacation... an entire week of nothing to do but walk, eat and play. But then mumma wasn’t feeling good (and was cranky for other reasons) for the first few days. And then I got really ill. I was puking and pooping for a couple of days. I almost had to go to the hospital and I wrecked half of my wardrobe. The weather was gloomy, windy and rainy too. Mumma was very sad but we made the most of it. I, of course, was still jolly and having fun despite my belly and constant puking issues. Dada took me for a lot of walks between rain storms. Good thing we were in a nice house… complete with a washer and dryer because we used it. A lot. Like... a lot a lot.
We also celebrated my seven month birthday! I am so strong now. I want to eat real food with my two big teeth but for some reason, my units haven’t given me any real food yet. I hope they do soon. I’ve been sitting up unassisted for a couple of weeks now too. I can also get around pretty good scooting on my belly. However, I seem to always be in reverse. Mumma holds out her hands and I can pull myself up too. I like being tall. Standing is cool.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

{Thirty} Healthy?

I have finally been feeling better. Can breathe better. Can laugh better. And the snot seems to be under control. Sort of. Physical therapy has been kicking my butt too. I’m looking forward to a week off for vacation and then maybe they’ll cut me loose. I don’t think my neck is an issue anymore. My head is still pretty misshapen and it may just stay that way. It has improved but I just hope mumma doesn’t regret not getting me a helmet.
We’ve just been gearing up for my first road trip otherwise. And it was fun! I like car rides and we got here safely! I slept for half of it and mumma played with Brayden and I for the other half. Dada says its my first vacation of many to come. Good stuff.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

{Twenty-nine} Back to the doc’s office

Another virus hit me last week. Once my ped confirmed, it was back to the pulmonary specialist we go. Since I was having difficulty breathing, he could hear me a little better and the problem seems to be on the inhale. That means it’s stridor due to possible epiglottis (the flap at the top of the esophagus) problems and not asthma. But whatever you do, do not look up troubles with the epiglottis…everything on the internet on the subject says something about death or tumors or deadly infections. Stupid internet. So anyway, I need to go get another neck x-ray in six weeks and report back for updates.

Monday, June 6, 2011

{Twenty-eight} Food & Happiness

I eat. I play. I eat. I laugh. I roll. I eat. I like to eat. Dada just bought me some new foods to try. They involve oatmeal and peaches and dinner veggie blends…. I like them all. I like food. Since I have teeth, I am waiting patiently for the finger foods. Did I mention I like food? I weighed in at 19 lbs 6 oz last week.
Sleeping is nice too. I sleep pretty good at night when I’m not sick. School is going well. As is spending time with both my Grandma’s and my brothers. I’m a pretty happy boy.