Sunday, January 23, 2011

{Nine} Happy Happy Boy

Life is good. My brother loves me. My parents adore me. My house keeps me warm. And I smile. A lot. I love to see mumma's face. It makes me happy every time she just says hello. I can make her heart melt in under one second. She's easy. We also talk a lot. This week I found my voice so we've been carrying on quite a few lengthy conversations. Every conversation ends with her saying "oh you're SO cute".

I'm not as hungry all of sudden. I think maybe I was having a huge growth spurt the last week or two but things seem calmer now and I can sleep longer between feedings. Which means mumma gets to sleep a little more at night. When mumma sleeps more, the house is in order. When the house is in order, we're all happy.

We had a lot of visitors this week and I've had a blast with kids to play with (Hilberts and McLaughlins). All of our visitors come with gifts for my brother and I. Mumma keeps trying to explain to me how spoiled we are. I'm starting to get it now... and its pretty sweet.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

{Eight} Just like Brayden

Mumma is working on enrolling me in school. I start on Valentine's day for 3 days a week and I will spend one day a week with each Grandma. It will be fun, but I really like home. And my time with mumma. I think she's pretty sad to have to go back to work. She'll adjust and we can close one chapter and start the next one. It's all good.

Bath time is so much fun! I love the warmth and sound of running water. It's soothing to me. And once again, my mother tells me I'm just like Brayden. I love water. Just like Brayden. I want to be held often. Just like Brayden. Rubbing the bottom of my feet calms me down. Just like Brayden. Snuggling up into your neck makes me happy. Just like Brayden. I eat way too much way too fast. Just like Brayden. How come mumma always has to compare me to Brayden? I'm my own person ya know!?

The Madars were over during the weekend. Having company all the time is a riot. I get held and cuddled and cooed at often. My brother has somebody to play with. And mumma gets to have adult conversation. Win win.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

{Seven} My first stress

We are one big happy. There wasn't a huge transition for me to get used to my new surroundings. My brother seems to have accepted me quite easily too. I love hanging with him and he seems to always keep an eye on me. I'm not sure what life was like around here pre-me either but my parents keep letting me know how happy they are to have me here. It's awesome.

And then, mumma got strep throat. She was very sick and it wiped her out for a good week and a half. Avoiding my brother and I for a few days almost killed her. She was so sad and in so much pain. Dad really stepped up to hang out with us until she started feeling better but the house also fell apart. This was the first time in my life that I felt a little stress around here. Thankfully it was brief and we were back to our regularly scheduled program. Mumma was so worried that she would get my brother or me sick but it all worked out. Phew. Good thing she only gets sick every five years.

Monday, January 3, 2011

{Six} Eleven

Happy Two Thousand Eleven! Since I'm only a month and a half old, my only resolution is to eat more. I love food. And it shows. I'm getting a thicker around the middle.

Last Thursday I went to the doctors office. All was good and fine and I had fun hanging, being weighed, being played with, being talked about... until I got a hep B vaccine in my thigh! Oh man did that hurt. Mumma said she never heard me cry that hard. Lots of blood too. The lady doctor also said I behave like a 2-3 month old because of how alert and strong I am and behave. I grew two inches and gained 3.5 lbs. Pretty impressive I thought. Time to start wearing bigger diapers and get these disposable speedos off of me!