Tuesday, April 26, 2011

{Twenty-two} Rock and Roll! And roll. And roll.

My head was turned into a very cool 3D image yesterday. We found out that there is no pressure on my brain from my extremely misshapen head after my head scan. I don’t think I want to wear a helmet but I also don’t want to live with my deformed face forever. But I still have a lot of growing to do. There is a chance it can correct itself. At least my brain is good to go! I maybe mad at mumma when I’m 16 years old though if they don’t fix me. Or if I ever want to shave my head. Or I go bald.

I learned to roll over today and wow was that fun. The minute I figured it out I wanted to do it again and again and again. Dada put me on the floor and mumma said “did you put him on his stomach?”. Nope, he sure didn’t. Look out! Crazing rolling fool at large. Woo-hoo!

Monday, April 18, 2011

{Twenty-one} 3 days, 3 doctors, 3 ailments

Life is crazy. That is what I’ve learned this last week. And it’s so fun! Everything is comical to me. From pulling mumma’s hair, to school, my brother, to projectile vomit-snot all over dada… I laugh. Mumma says I laugh like Santa, from the bottom of the belly. It’s a deep and silly laugh.
So after my skull xray a few weeks back, we discovered that I do not have craniosynostosis and do not need surgery on my skull. Sweet. However, my head is still oddly shaped and that can put pressure on my brain and cause major health problems. We call this plagiocephaly (aka flat head syndrome). Off to the specialist I went (Wednesday). He seems to think I’m borderline for needing a helmet to help with my development. Next week, skull scan! It will give us the answers we need. While at the specialist, he immediately pointed out my congenital torticollis.
Congenital torticollis is basically a shortened neck muscle on one side. There are a few different causes that either happen during birth, or immediately afterward. Usually a rip, tear, scar tissue or blood clot cause it. If not corrected, my face will continue to grow unevenly and can cause other developmental issues down the road. This is also the cause of my abnormal head shape because I lay and sit funny.
Thursday my dad took me in for my cold. You know, the one I’ve had for 7 wks. Mumma was worried that it could be turning into pneumonia or bronchitis. Good news is, my lungs are great. Bad news is, I tested positive for rhinovirus and/or enterovirus. At least we know now, and maybe there is an end in sight. Oh, and I weigh 18 lbs. Boo-yah!
And then, the nightmare happened... Muma broke my dukey. It ended up not being a big deal and just part of the healing process of my circumcision. Without giving you all the gory details, let’s just say that the doctor on Friday said “it happens” calmly, and sent me on my merry way. Phew.
We all hung out the rest of the weekend. It was great. I agree with my mother, we should do that EVERY weekend.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

{Twenty} The bunny

Grandma Shirley seems to skip town a lot. I’ll be spending more time with Gma Judy in the next week.
So let’s see, what is new? I love sweet potatoes. And carrots. Not too keen on cereal though. I think mumma is trying to sneak that in the veggies. I also love foot rubs and I don’t like pacifiers. Well, maybe if I’m really, really tired.
Over the weekend I met Mr. E. Bunny. He was very cool. Tall and brown. He was a pretty funny dude. My bro didn’t seem to like him though. He kept his distance! Silly Brayden. And he calls me silly baby Christian!?
PS... I looooove bath time

Sunday, April 3, 2011

{Nineteen} Four Month Check-up

Last week I went in for my 4 month check-up… and they love me. I’m a growing, happy, developing, bouncing, baby boy! I did not like the shots though. Why oh why do they keep doing that to me? One in each leg and the nurse forced me to drink some nasty stuff. Not cool.
I think I forgot to mention a few weeks ago that I slept through the night? But then since I’ve been sick I haven’t. I choke and cough a lot. My parents seem fine with our system though.
Not much to really report otherwise. Mumma took Brayden to the zoo and said I wasn’t allowed to go. Yet. I think she may take me there to see the bunny for Easter weekend. We have to see how the weather is going to be.