Sunday, May 1, 2011

{Twenty-three} More breathing issues

I am still loving my new found talent… rolling. I favor the left back-to-tummy roll but I can roll the other way too and even belly-to-back but that is hard. I am practicing every day. It’s hard to roll when you laugh though. Don’t try it.

More doctor visits and breathing issues last week. Mumma even had to call to talk to some genetics people at Children’s Hospital. Pretty scary and stressful stuff. I had my first antibiotics for a small ear infection, steroids and breathing treatments. After I puked up the steroids, mumma tasted them and then said I didn’t have to take them. She said she might as well give me tequila. She usually tastes everything before giving me any but she just forgot that time. I want to feel better now. It’s been nine weeks. And I’ve missed a lot of school. Dada stayed home with me Friday. And school is closed tomorrow. They miss me when I’m not at school. I’m popular ;)  

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