Tuesday, May 10, 2011

{Twenty-four} Teeth & Entertainment

Growing teeth is tough business. Tough I tell ya. I popped two out on Saturday! It was crazy-fast. Mumma was diggin all around in my mouth on Friday thinking maybe something was coming, but nothing. Then after my afternoon crankies Saturday, my parents went out to play for a little while and Miss Autumn found my new tooth. Which was “teeth” by morning. I looked like Mr. Claus with my bright red cheeks. Mumma didn’t take a picture and she should have. Now she wants a picture of the teeth and I won’t let her… heh heh heh.

My brother is so funny. I mean SO stinkin’ funny. I laugh all day and he entertains me. I’m glad he loves me and likes to make me laugh. And he laughs at me just as much as I laugh at him. Laughing is my favorite past time.

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