I eat EVERYTHING... Fingers (yours). Toys. Sheets. Toes (mine). Bibs. Bananas. Hair (mumma’s). Clothes. Sweet potatoes. Fingers (mine). Blankets. Socks (mine). Peas. And I also drool. Drool is cool.
Physical therapy is fun minus the part that Nicki makes me cry. I have survived four sessions to date and there is no end in sight for now. Hopefully everybody will fix me right up but mumma says it’s so hard to get my exercises in 10x a day but they’re trying. I like adventure and going places so PT doesn’t bother me. I’m a people person. A very jolly people person. Until they make me cry. Stupid neck muscle. Mumma is still unsure if I’m going to go get another head scan for my head.
The parental units were both so excited last week that I slept four 10hr nights in a row! Mom declared she finally felt human last week after these months of stress, worry and constant running. Add some sleep (for all of us) and we’re just happy as a clam/clams. I don’t know how happy a clam really is though. It’s just an expression I picked up.
I also had one last lung and ear recheck on Friday and still have a little water on the ear but not enough to constitute more medicine since my 6 month appointment is coming up. A pulmonary doctor for my lungs is also in my future. So I’m still keeping pretty busy. I even sat up unassisted for the first time (just an hour ago). Liberating!
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