Tuesday, April 26, 2011

{Twenty-two} Rock and Roll! And roll. And roll.

My head was turned into a very cool 3D image yesterday. We found out that there is no pressure on my brain from my extremely misshapen head after my head scan. I don’t think I want to wear a helmet but I also don’t want to live with my deformed face forever. But I still have a lot of growing to do. There is a chance it can correct itself. At least my brain is good to go! I maybe mad at mumma when I’m 16 years old though if they don’t fix me. Or if I ever want to shave my head. Or I go bald.

I learned to roll over today and wow was that fun. The minute I figured it out I wanted to do it again and again and again. Dada put me on the floor and mumma said “did you put him on his stomach?”. Nope, he sure didn’t. Look out! Crazing rolling fool at large. Woo-hoo!

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