Monday, August 8, 2011

{Thirty-seven} Knees

It’s official… I got up on all fours and learned to crawl Sunday. I still prefer the scoot though, just because I’m good and fast at it. Mumma also had to lower my mattress in my crib. I finally learned to pull myself up on my knees using the rails, and poof… now I can’t. That was mean. But I can do it on the chair in my room, the chair in Brayden’s room and my wedge.
Sleep hasn’t been going well… I wake up in pain. SCA-reaming. Not cool. Teeth? Ear ache? All of the above?
We went to our first “kid” birthday party. Like we didn’t know anybody and just hung out at their house. His name was Caleb. I guess my brother and him are buddies at school or something. And then Spiderman showed up. I did not like him and he made me cry. But I liked watching the other kids play with him (from afar). I was too little to play on the ginormous blow up slip ‘n slide… but I look forward to that in my future! So, I just hung out in the heat. I like being outside very much.

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