Sunday, August 14, 2011

{Thirty-eight} Oma

I met Große Oma (Great Grandma) via video chat this week. It was pretty cool. I talked and giggled and showed her how I crawl. I guess she comes to visit every year but last year I was born after her visit, and this year she’s not going to make it up to Michigan. So, mumma set us up for a video meet. Oma thought that was cool too.
My teeth were still causing me problems early this week and I reported back to PT after my therapists European vacation. I also went back to the hospital clinic for a MAG airway test. With my teething and snot issues lately, I find myself GASPING for air. Like trying to catch my breath. It happens during the day and when I sleep. It’s probably my epiglottis again. I will outgrow those issues hopefully. I will probably have to go see my pulmonary guy again soon. And I have my nine month appt in two weeks. I hope they're not going to give me shots again.

Oh, and I slept at Grandma Judy and Papo's house for the first time. That was fun.

I tried eating toast. I don't like it. I'll stick to my Gerber puffs and baby food. I do freak out for a glass of water though. I keep trying to hold my own glass but mumma won't let me. She said I get too wet.

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