Tuesday, February 8, 2011

{Eleven} Mumma is a happy girl

Last night I slept for seven hours. Only problem is, it was from 7pm until 2am. And then I was up at 5am. Mumma is happy. That is great progress she says. She goes back to work next week. She'll be tired until she gets used to things but we're heading in the right direction.  

I'd rather be held at all times but I really do enjoy my swing. I take some killer naps in my swing. When I fuss, the swing calms me down. I still don't like the pacifier much. Its nice and soothing from time to time but not too often.

The paparazzi was at my house Saturday. We were doing a photo shoot and it was fun for the first three minutes. I didn't like the noise, or the chaos. So I just cried. For the next two hours.

Mumma is always wrenching on my neck. She turns my head to the right. I lay on my changing table, and she turns my head. I fall asleep in my swing, and she turns my head. I will be sleeping in my bed in the middle of the night, and she turns my head. It all started at my first doctor visit and the doctor noticed I favor my left side. The left side of the back of my head is flat. Hey, its where I lay and its comfortable. Doc said I probably did that in mumma's tummy too. So my last visit to the doctor, they wanted to check to make sure my skull was growing properly so I had to go get an xray. The picture is cool, but the xray was not. It was quite torturous really. I cried the entire time. Good thing the techs were pretty quick about it.

After the quick trip to the hospital, we swung by great grandma's house to drop off an invitation for her to come see me get baptized. I seem to make her very happy. We smiled and cooed at each other for awhile. She's pretty cool. And she thinks I'm an angel.

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