Wednesday, February 2, 2011

{Ten} Shots

Oh boy... shots are the opposite of a good time. I had two this week and an oral vaccine. I liked the stuff to drink. The nurse said babies usually spit it out but I thought it was good. Then the first shot wasn't pleasant but I didn't cry. The second shot... was a nightmare. She even said it would be and boy was she right.

Doc said I was in perfect health. I weigh 11 lbs and 4 oz. Which is a pound heavier than my brother at 10 wks. Dada said I was gunna be bigger than Brayden the day he met me. He was right.

I don't sleep in my parents bedroom anymore. I'm breaking in my new room and liking it. It's nice to have my own space.

Mumma is obsessed with my eyes and what color they will be. Right now they are gray. In certain lighting indoors and in a couple of pictures they look blue, but they're not. Mumma says they are steel gray and very cool. She wonders if they stay the same or maybe be hazel like Grandma Judy and dada's eyes.

I have to run, I'm very hungry. Now.

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