Wednesday, January 19, 2011

{Eight} Just like Brayden

Mumma is working on enrolling me in school. I start on Valentine's day for 3 days a week and I will spend one day a week with each Grandma. It will be fun, but I really like home. And my time with mumma. I think she's pretty sad to have to go back to work. She'll adjust and we can close one chapter and start the next one. It's all good.

Bath time is so much fun! I love the warmth and sound of running water. It's soothing to me. And once again, my mother tells me I'm just like Brayden. I love water. Just like Brayden. I want to be held often. Just like Brayden. Rubbing the bottom of my feet calms me down. Just like Brayden. Snuggling up into your neck makes me happy. Just like Brayden. I eat way too much way too fast. Just like Brayden. How come mumma always has to compare me to Brayden? I'm my own person ya know!?

The Madars were over during the weekend. Having company all the time is a riot. I get held and cuddled and cooed at often. My brother has somebody to play with. And mumma gets to have adult conversation. Win win.

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