Tuesday, January 11, 2011

{Seven} My first stress

We are one big happy. There wasn't a huge transition for me to get used to my new surroundings. My brother seems to have accepted me quite easily too. I love hanging with him and he seems to always keep an eye on me. I'm not sure what life was like around here pre-me either but my parents keep letting me know how happy they are to have me here. It's awesome.

And then, mumma got strep throat. She was very sick and it wiped her out for a good week and a half. Avoiding my brother and I for a few days almost killed her. She was so sad and in so much pain. Dad really stepped up to hang out with us until she started feeling better but the house also fell apart. This was the first time in my life that I felt a little stress around here. Thankfully it was brief and we were back to our regularly scheduled program. Mumma was so worried that she would get my brother or me sick but it all worked out. Phew. Good thing she only gets sick every five years.

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