I have become much taller since I like to stretch my legs out. But I still would rather have them tucked in and up. And boy am I hungry. I drink 3 1/2 ounces every three hours (sometimes two). Apparently babies aren't supposed to eat that much. Mumma says I'll be eating cereal at three months just like my brother. He was hungry too. My parents keep comparing me to him which doesn't bother me. He seems like a cool enough kid when he's not yelling or throwing things by my head. I guess I'm just like him though. It makes my mom laugh a lot. Out loud. And then she gets all weepy. I have no clue what that's about. She says it's a mother thing.
My hair is falling out and I have a receding hairline. Now my parents giggle and call me old man [sigh]. I'm glad I can provide such great entertainment.
I see both my grandma's every couple of days. They take my big bro to speech class and to school and over to grandma Judy's to play. We even all went to meet Santa Claus. I don't know what all the big fuss was about with the big guy. So, I slept through it. It was my first long car ride. And my first time at the mall. But then I was ready to just get back home. Ahh... home. Its all I know. Safe. Warm. Familiar.
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