Tuesday, December 21, 2010

{Four} Negative Results

One month. Feels like I was in a womb just yesterday. My mom says the same. Time passes so quick. Too quick. She keeps telling me that time and time and time again.

This last week was especially fast because we were so busy. I puked twice. I pee every time I get in the bath. Mumma realized I lived in blankets and am about to outgrow all my newborn clothes so she started dressing me in clothes each day. I spent a few hours at the hospital. And went to Dave & Busters. Everybody wanted to hold me. Which was cool for a little while but then I just wanted to get home again. 

So let me rewind to the hospital part. We had a long drive downtown to go to Children's Hospital where there were many sick kids. It really bummed my parents out. I had my sweat test to check for Cystic Fibrosis. It was an hour test but then we had to wait a couple of hours for results and then talk to some genetic folks. Good news is that the test was negative. Bad news is that I have the gene. So it's nothing I need to worry about until I get married some day. My parents are still very sad though. Our lives just keep going like every other day and we left all those people behind us who don't get to do the same. It made us feel all very "aware". Which is a good thing in the big picture. Mumma wonders if maybe there is a lesson or reason we went through this. She's been researching Cystic Fibrosis ever since.

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