May 31st - Six month check-up/vaccines and I do NOT like shots!
June 1st - Pulmonary Doctor appointment follow-up, ruled out Asthma and allergies, thinks its floppy cartilage issues, get an x-ray in 6 wks and schedule follow-up
June 6th through August 31st - Continue Physical Therapy for my neck every Monday and Wednesday, I still favor my left side (turning, sitting, looking, laying and reaching)
June 6th through August 31st - Continue Physical Therapy for my neck every Monday and Wednesday, I still favor my left side (turning, sitting, looking, laying and reaching)
July 19th - Xray at the hospital, follow up was a phone call 7/28 to get a "mag airway" test done, went to hospital 8/9 but found out we needed an appt
August 16th - Mag airway test complete (I SCA-reemed for 15 minutes straight and it took 4 adults to hold me still), diagnosis 8/18 as Tracheomalacia
August 24th - 9 mo check-up and vaccines, again... shots are not cool, and I weigh 23 lbs
September 7th through ? - Physical Therapy will be cut back to once a week, more on an evaluation level than actual exercises (which my parents don't even do!)
September 19th - Follow-up appt with my Pulmonary doc and he says I should be fine in the long run... here's to hoping!
September 7th through ? - Physical Therapy will be cut back to once a week, more on an evaluation level than actual exercises (which my parents don't even do!)
September 19th - Follow-up appt with my Pulmonary doc and he says I should be fine in the long run... here's to hoping!
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