Tuesday, July 26, 2011

{Thirty-five} Raw butt

Virus’, teeth and diaper rash… oh my! This week stinks. My bottom hurts every time I piddle. My private parts are welted, blistery, swollen and red. From the top of my butt crack to my… well, you get the idea. Even that part had some issues. I probably needed medical attention it was so bad. The only good thing about it is I get a lot of baths and then get to hang out ‘el naturale. I had to drink a lot of Pedialyte and soy formula for a couple of days which helped. And then the snot started. Snot faucet. It was a bad week. But to quote my parents, “I’m still jolly”!
On a separate note you can also throw in an X-ray this week. I had to follow-up from my pulmonary doc visit from 6 wks ago.

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