Monday, March 21, 2011

{Seventeen} Four months old

These weeks are just flying by! This coming week will mark my four month birthday.

That makes mumma sad. I'm so old already and she doesn't get to spend enough quality time with me. She says the baby phase is already over and all she wants to do is hold me... and she never gets to. I know she loves me, she doesn't need to hold me all the time.

I like to sit up [with support] and try try try so hard to sit up from a laying position. I almost did it the other day. My parents were comparing me to my brother again about this subject matter and I guess he stayed still well until it was time to try to crawl, which was around seven months old. I watch my brother all the time, and he's very entertaining and I want to be like him. So I will try to roll, sit, crawl, walk, climb, etc., so I can be just like my big bro. Mom and dad think its so cute that I like my brother. Have you seen him? He is very funny. He likes me a lot too.

Last week I wiggled my way out of the boppy pillow and my swing. My parents try to prop me up at night so I can breath but they need a new plan.

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