My 2nd week of school, and I got sick. There was a confirmed case of RSV in Brayden's class and did you know that same virus causes croup? I didn't like having a fever or coughing like that but my parents got me fixed up in no time. I had to go back to that place that usually gives me shots but mumma was relieved that I didn't need steroids or breathing treatments. She says I'm too young and pure to have to put yucky stuff in my system. Mumma had to miss a day of work to take care of me and then it was the weekend. We cancelled plans and company and just hung out and nursed me back to health.
My parents are also sure Brayden brought it home. He's a walking germ. He never gets sick but he's a huge carrier. I guess he got dada sick a lot before I was around. Mumma and dada are certain I'm an angel too, no matter how bad I felt, I was still my jolly, happy, giggly, smiley self.
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