Tuesday, November 30, 2010

{One} I'm New

The first week of my life has been warm and snugly. Let's rewind to the first few days in the hospital, which I don't remember much of because I slept. A lot. I remember a few visitors and getting my temperature taken quite often. Everything else was a blur. It did take two days for my temp to regulate which sort of worried mumma but I was all set soon enough. I was also a little jaundice but that too cleared up after 24 hours. The circumcision... is another story. I will spare you the grueling details but diaper changes were not fun.

Mumma was rallying to get me home because she was excited to get me acclimated to my new surroundings (and she wanted to get home to my brother). After checking with every nurse, assistant and doctor that walked into the room, we did get to come home home a day early. On Thanksgiving.

I was welcomed into my new home with loving arms, lots of warm blankets and tons of kisses. My parents figured out pretty quickly that I was a happy baby as long as my tummy was full, diaper was dry and was swaddled pretty tight.

The first outing was the day after we came home and I had to go to the doctor's office. That wasn't a big deal but they made me stay naked for too long and I really dislike being naked and/or cold. The doctor told mumma and dada to feed me as much as I wanted. Supposedly I should have been drinking 2 oz every 3-4 hours but I was hungry every 2 hours. Within a few days I was drinking 3.5 oz every 3 hours. I am a growing boy after all.

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